Published Work

Literary Journal Publications
c"Cookies and Rosaries," Heart of Flesh Literary Journal
"Notes to Arthritic Pianists" Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature
"A Crippled Piano," Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine
"The Girl from the Grotto," DINE: An Anthology. Books by Hippocampus,
"Unbalanced," Kaleidoscope,
"The Lipstick Helps," Longridge Review
"Unbalanced" Spry Literary Journal
"Rosaries and Radicals," PILGRIM: A Journal of Catholic Experience,
"(Un)fortunate Sons," BioStories Magazine
"Nocturne," Every Writer,
"Scattered Solitude," Sotto Voce Magazine
Interviews and Blog Posts
Behind the Words with Sheila Luna: Spry Literary Journal Interview
"Who Knows how the Body Turns: A Reflection on Lyme and Rheumatoid Arthritis," Crossroads Blog, Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine
ASU Magazine Articles
"From Teacher to Protector", Accents on English
"Online Students are Plugged in to Education," Accents on English
"The Writing's on the Wall: Art as Nonviolent Protest," Accents on English
"Transforming Food Deserts into Food Hubs," Accents on English
"Persevering Amidst War to Earn Degree," ASU Now
"High on Writing," A Dialogue with Matthew Gavin Frank about his Memoir, Pot Farm," Accents on English